Constitutive Equations for Hot Extrusion of AA6005A, AA6063 and AA7020 Alloys


Constitutive equations relate thermo-mechanical parameters, i.e. strain, strain rate and temperature, with flow stress. The most popular constitutive relationship, among those used in the study of hot deformation, is the phenomenological sinh Garofalo equation. In recent years several papers described the hot deformation of aluminum alloys by mean of hot torsion testing. However, sinh constitutive parameters are seldomly available in literature even for the commonest aluminum alloys used today by the extrusion industry. This paper presents the result of the torsion tests providing constitutive equations for AA6005A, AA6063 and AA7020 alloys. The relative extrudabilities of these alloys were estimated by means of FEM simulation carried out by the HyperXtrude® software.
(Tommaso Pinter, Mohamad El Mehtedi)